Short Sale Agent Finder goes to work for you right away. Featured Memberships subscriptions provide Featured User profiles maximum visibility by listing them on the SHORT SALE Agent Map in their area, as well as listing them above Basic Member search results. We optimize our Featured Member profiles every month by spending money to get them leads online. We allow refunds within 24 hours on Featured Member placements. For Featured members with yearly or monthly membership subscriptions, you must send us an email to with your request no later than 10 days after your subscription was re-initiated automatically, if you wish to receive a refund. The $1 First Month new member trial will automatically renew at the regular rate of $69/month after 30 days, and will continue to auto-renew month to month, with no contract until the member downgrades or cancels his/her membership. Yearly memberships automatically renew every year at the standard rate of $299 per year.