Our mission is to help
distressed homeowners
avoid foreclosure.
About Us
Short Sale Agent Finder connects home owners and buyers with specialized short sale agents in their local market area. Users can search any city nationwide and quickly compare the local agents, and choose the right agent to work with. Most users search our site to find an agent to help them Short Sale their home. However, many buyers also look to us to find experienced short sale agents to help them negotiate offers with banks. This is an ever increasingly important need.Who you work with on your short sale or purchase matters, and at ShortSaleAgentFinder.com, we strive to make your choice of who you work with a more educated choice.
Our featured members have all been verified and manually reviewed by our staff, and we monitor agent reviews and complaints to maintain the highest quality service for people just like you.
We're here to help. It's short sales made easy. Welcome to Short Sale Agent Finder!
Contact Us
Short Sale Agent Finder1111 6th Ave, Suite 400B
San Diego, CA 92101
E-mail: support@myagentfinder.com
Phone: (855) 338-0864

for a short sale.